Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hunter By: Richard Belis

the hunter,
has the gun in his cold hands,
The hunter waits for his prey,
The hunter wants to kill a harmless animal,
For what the fun?for the sport,
I don't know,
But when the animal knows its being hunted, 
it freezes on the spot, 
it sweats and can't move its head, 
so stiff and afraid, 
and he knows one shot and his whole life is done, 
so why, why kill a harmless animal, 
It only loves and is beautiful, 
just think if you were that animal, 
how would it feel knowing,
you might just die tomorrow.... 

Many animals are on the endangered species list because of us. We hunt these animals to make money for ourselves, or even for the thrill of killing. In my opinion, it's alright to hunt animals but you have to draw the line at some point. If you keep hunting, and hunting, and hunting, well there just won't be enough animals left, will there?

To all the hunters out there, think about that the next time you go on your trip.