Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mountain Gorilla

Mountain gorillas are so lucky. Their habitat is a lush mountain forest, high up in the Virunga mountains of Africa, whereas my habitat is boring Canada. I wish we could trade, but we both know the answer to that.

Male gorillas protect their families from any threats. The leader of the typical group is called a silverback. Do you see the hair on his back? Yeah, that turns from black to a silver-gray color when he matures. This process usually happens when he is 11-13 years old. Mountain gorillas spend the majority of their time eating plants, insects and worms.

Most people (including myself), sadly stereotype gorillas. When someone says "Gorilla" I automatically think of chest pounding, roaring and bared teeth, but research shows that gorillas are actually gentle and peaceful.That just goes to show you, "Never judge a book by it's cover".

These gorillas DO NOT live a peaceful life at all though. They are hunted for the sake of food or for trophies. Do you see that beautiful background in the picture above? Right now they are being cut down for farmland. Less than 650 of these gorillas are left in the wild today.

If you want to learn more about these gorillas (You know you do!) Click here.