Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quote Of The Month

"When it comes to looking after all the species that are already endangered, there's such a lot to do that sometimes it might all seem to be too much, especially when there are so many other important things to worry about. But if we stop trying, the chances are that pretty soon we'll end up with a world where there are no tigers or elephants, or sawfishes or whooping cranes , or albatrosses or ground iguanas. And I think that would be a shame, don't you?" -Martin Jenkins

I think that this quote basically sums up my whole opinion on endangered animals. Yes, there will be times when there are more important things in our lives than animals but in the end, our world would be A LOT different if there were no animals on it. Don't you agree?Agreeing with the quote above, it would be a shame if we never saw the species that we have seen ever again.

Comment below and tell me what your opinion is on this topic. :)